Hightech Summit @FAU Erlangen

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Left to right: Prof. Dr.-Ing Katharina Breininger, Professur für Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, FAU-President Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger, Wissenschaftsminister Bernd Sibler, Dr. Torsten Niederdränk, Leiter Innovations- und Technologiemanagement Siemens Healthineers, Prof. Dr. Björn Eskofier, Lehrstuhl für Maschinelles Lernen und Datenanalytik, und Heinrich Moisa, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung Novartis Deutschland. (Bild: FAU/Harald Sippel)

On July 1, 2021, experts from science, industry and politics discussed the impact of the Bavarian Hightech Agenda at the Hightech Summit at Friedrich-Alexander-University in Erlangen. The discussion on “Der Mensch im Fokus – Wie KI die Medizin revolutioniert” focused on the topic of how we can ensure and foster a participatory way of using Machine Learning and more broadly Artificial Intelligence for medical applications. It was a great pleasure to talk about this topic and its implication in general as well as how our work at the AIMI@FAU lab fits into this. Big thanks also to PD Dr. med. Ramona Erber for her great introduction of pathology in breast cancer!


Link to Video Stream:

More information:

Hightech Summit Bayern live aus Erlangen: Der Mensch im Fokus – Wie KI die Medizin revolutioniert – YouTube

StMWK: Hightech Summit Bayern an der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg